Friday, March 28, 2014

EXP1 submission

18 Sections:

36 Patterns: 

2 Draft Sketchup Models:

1 Developed Sketch Model:

3 Embed animations:

Metal for balustrade
Hard wood for steps
Concrete for walls

Ceramic for most flooring
Hard wood for the other floor
Metal for balustrade
Brick for walls

Concrete for wall

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Steinsway & Sons: Heavy, Inviting, Reflective

Heston Blumenthal: Posh, Symmetrical, Delicate

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Stairs 1: Connect Steinsway & Sons to the studio
Words: Enchant, Assimilation

Stairs 2: Connecting the studio and Heston Blumenthal
Words: Enchant, Contrast

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Materials used are all made by stone to emphasise the sense of nature that I'm trying to achieve. I have also decided to place glass materials on the building to allow for natural sunlight to enter, which again, contributes to the sense of "being outside". In the first picture, you can see two gaps which are in fact, "doors" to allow for ventilation and fresh air. Notice how I have kept the flooring inside and outside the same. A large balcony is present to allow for interaction with outside environment. All of these aspects I have used in order to enhance the naturality of the scene.

two words: inviting and intricate.

Materials as named by SketchUp: Stone_coursed_rough, Stone_brushed_khaki, Stone_masonry_multi

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Revival Cycle

Noun - Adjective - Verb
Sturdiness -  - Conquer

Steinway and Sons

Heston Blumenthal

Noun - Adjective - Verb
Connoisseur - Rustic - Enchant

Noun - Adjective - Verb
Assimilation - Oriental - Contrast


The task is to post three images:

  • A piece of creative work I have done recently.

A drawing I made around three days ago. I love to experiment with various vibrant colours and had always been enchanted with how some incredible artists manage to combine completely juxtaposing hues, yet still able to make their piece of art mesmerising. Because of that, my colouring style is tilting to more of a bright shade.
  • An image of a great piece of architecture (Museo di Castelvecchio by Carlo Scarpa)

Despite the fact that I lack knowledge in Architecture at this moment, I do consider Museo di Castelvecchio as one of Scarpa's one of most famous architectures. Having seen a lot of pictures of the interior, one thing I can say is that this building was designed in such precise manner that the shadows fall exactly where it should be in order to emphasise the serenity of the place.
  • An original photo of something beautiful

This is something I took during a Japanese convention in the City back in 2012. It was fascinating to encounter such an unexpected item, that is far from Japanese culture, which is all about modesty, respect and humility. It was almost as if they are trying to expose a part of their culture that not many foreigners know exist.